Monday, February 2, 2015

Project 52 | 5 | Selfie

I'm not one to wear make up if I'm not going anywhere. It's one thing I loathe to put on, but I love it once it is on. It makes me feel beautiful, and it makes me think other people think I'm beautiful. I guess with it on, I feel confident. Without it, I feel pretty plain; like I can walk into a store and not get a second glance, but as I've gotten older, I've also gained confidence in going out without make up on. I came to the realization that I wasn't born with make up on, so I don't need to wear it all.the.time. Same thing with my hair; I can easily get out of the shower and let it air dry, and be fine, but if I curl it, I just feel glamorous. My sister told me that my curled hair and red lipstick remind her of the classic ladies from the 40's and 50's. And I just think those women are beautiful. BUT! This weeks assignment was "Selfie", and I was not about to post a scary, makeup less face, on the internet, for permanent humiliation, haha!

I wanted to really push myself this week with my pro-camera, but I'm not all about the self-timer, so I pulled out the remote. And my son would look in the view finder, and tell me if the image was "blurry or ok"... He also would say, "Okay, now give me a funny face, now a scary face, now just be silly..." which is super funny, cause he has definitely picked up something from his momma saying that to him! I know I look goofy in the last images - I didn't know what to do!

So, here's to all you women (and men) behind the camera - definitely get in front of it some time! Capture you as you are now, heck we preach it, so we gotta do it too!

When you're done here, go check out my friend Megan Edwards Photography! She is a beautiful person, a friend, and a fantastic photographer! I'm privileged to be a part of a blog circle with a group of great girls! They are amazing photographers and beautiful women also!


Unknown said...

Gorgeous Angelica!!! And I agree, the hair and lipstick DOES remind me of the 40s style!

Megan Edwards said...

I heart you and this post! You are gorgeous, an awesome friend and genuine! AND you ROCK that red lipstick! Own it, girl!

Jennifer Esneault said...

OMG, you're talented, gorgeous AND funny! Love the selfies!

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