Monday, January 26, 2015

Project 52 | 4 | Up Close

Project 52 | 4 | Up Close

I'm super excited to be a part of a group of amazing photographer friends, and share all of their interpretations of the theme Up Close! We are part of a blog circle, so once you see my image, I invite you to check out my friend LeAnn Rehm's Photography here!

This week, I played with my studio lighting, while my kids were out of school for a few days. I had each of my kids in front of my camera, but with my oldest, I wanted to see how "up close" I could get to her, while staying in focus. I think she is a beautiful model, and I am in love with this image I was able to get of her. She is changing so much and so fast! It won't be long, before she will be taking her senior images, but until then, I plan on getting many in between!


Jennifer said...

She is a beauty, mom! Stunning portrait of your girl. :)

Unknown said...

She's BEAUTIFUL Angelica!!

PS - Awesome job on the lighting too!!!

Sonia said...

Love this!

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