Friday, February 13, 2015

Family Five Friday | Training Wheels

I always capture the little things with my kids, I am just really bad about sharing the candid moments with everybody ~ and I am trying to be better about that, so I have started my Family Five on Friday Project. Taking at least 5 minutes a week, to capture the little things. I encourage other momma's and photographers to take just a few minutes a week, to capture the simple things. The playing with siblings with their toys, each other, running, playing, cooking, baking, etc.

This week, my baby son was ready for his training wheels off his bike, but didn't realize the bike wouldn't stay up automatically when raising his feet. He wanted to practice and practice, and big sister was on hand to help out ~ It is a moment that he was trying to gain confidence within himself. A bitter sweet moment for me, because he is growing up so fast.


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