Friday, July 24, 2015

When we were in Galveston, we saw a brochure that showed an ice cream shop on The Strand. Of course we had to take the kids, and not to mention we love ice cream, so we were excited too! When we went in, it was amazing ~ beyond our expectations. It reminded me of stepping back in time. It was classic. There was a taffy guy making taffy in the back for customers. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of him, before he left for the day. It would have been great though, it was awesome to watch. Then the way everybody was dressed - their attitudes, even the guy on the stairs managed to put on a smile. Probably didn't know why I was taking pictures of him, but I couldn't pass taking pictures of this memory. We love taking the kids different places, and being able to look back on these images will be just as classic as the time we spent in the place. Can't wait to go back!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Can't believe this baby has already reached his 1st big milestone! He is beautiful, and so good natured! I think he loved his cake, what do you think?!

Friday, June 19, 2015

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

Friday, February 13, 2015

I always capture the little things with my kids, I am just really bad about sharing the candid moments with everybody ~ and I am trying to be better about that, so I have started my Family Five on Friday Project. Taking at least 5 minutes a week, to capture the little things. I encourage other momma's and photographers to take just a few minutes a week, to capture the simple things. The playing with siblings with their toys, each other, running, playing, cooking, baking, etc.

This week, my baby son was ready for his training wheels off his bike, but didn't realize the bike wouldn't stay up automatically when raising his feet. He wanted to practice and practice, and big sister was on hand to help out ~ It is a moment that he was trying to gain confidence within himself. A bitter sweet moment for me, because he is growing up so fast.

Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm not one to wear make up if I'm not going anywhere. It's one thing I loathe to put on, but I love it once it is on. It makes me feel beautiful, and it makes me think other people think I'm beautiful. I guess with it on, I feel confident. Without it, I feel pretty plain; like I can walk into a store and not get a second glance, but as I've gotten older, I've also gained confidence in going out without make up on. I came to the realization that I wasn't born with make up on, so I don't need to wear it all.the.time. Same thing with my hair; I can easily get out of the shower and let it air dry, and be fine, but if I curl it, I just feel glamorous. My sister told me that my curled hair and red lipstick remind her of the classic ladies from the 40's and 50's. And I just think those women are beautiful. BUT! This weeks assignment was "Selfie", and I was not about to post a scary, makeup less face, on the internet, for permanent humiliation, haha!

I wanted to really push myself this week with my pro-camera, but I'm not all about the self-timer, so I pulled out the remote. And my son would look in the view finder, and tell me if the image was "blurry or ok"... He also would say, "Okay, now give me a funny face, now a scary face, now just be silly..." which is super funny, cause he has definitely picked up something from his momma saying that to him! I know I look goofy in the last images - I didn't know what to do!

So, here's to all you women (and men) behind the camera - definitely get in front of it some time! Capture you as you are now, heck we preach it, so we gotta do it too!

When you're done here, go check out my friend Megan Edwards Photography! She is a beautiful person, a friend, and a fantastic photographer! I'm privileged to be a part of a blog circle with a group of great girls! They are amazing photographers and beautiful women also!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Project 52 | 4 | Up Close

I'm super excited to be a part of a group of amazing photographer friends, and share all of their interpretations of the theme Up Close! We are part of a blog circle, so once you see my image, I invite you to check out my friend LeAnn Rehm's Photography here!

This week, I played with my studio lighting, while my kids were out of school for a few days. I had each of my kids in front of my camera, but with my oldest, I wanted to see how "up close" I could get to her, while staying in focus. I think she is a beautiful model, and I am in love with this image I was able to get of her. She is changing so much and so fast! It won't be long, before she will be taking her senior images, but until then, I plan on getting many in between!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

These two have been married a long time, been living in the same house for over 40 years, watched their children and grandchildren grow, and their love just shines for all to see. I think you can see what I mean ~