Sunday, January 12, 2014

Valentine's Day {again already}!

It seems that the years roll in, and roll out so quickly these days. I think "Parenthood" has something to do with that.... 3 kids always keeping me busy with various appointments and school functions! And with a kiddo in kindergarten, you know they are going to have their party and want to have cool valentine's cards to pass to their friends... so I'm already thinking about what to do, and it's only January 12.

I realized I never posted these pictures of the ones from last year. I'm a really bad blogger, who has made it a point now to have both this page open as well as my FB business page, so I can post simultaneously.... Ba Bam! Look at me go!

Anyway, I just wanted to share these. I was really proud of them. They took quite a bit of time to do, and am thinking, something "cool" this year, but way less time consuming; this was like a Robot Factory... I've  been pinning lots of ideas, which you can find here. I invite you to follow this board and any of the one's you find interesting under my Pinterest account!




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